Inner Me Session - Self-massage

Massage. When you hear that word, it is easy to picture our luxurious spa treatment and how delighted you were on your last visit. We are looking forward to welcoming you again, however, until you are able to make an appointment with one of our professional massage therapists, what about a self-massage at home?

The self-massage is based on the Ayurvedic practice of lovingly anointing ourselves from head to toe with warm oil - called Abhyanga and like the experience of being loved, Abhyanga can give a deep feeling of stability and warmth.

Try doing this self-massage in the morning or before bed for a more restful sleep. This ritual takes 15-20 minutes, restores the balance of the doshas, enhances well-being and longevity, and can be used every day, once a week, or however often you are able to do it.

You can choose your oil based on your doshas or use plain carrier oils such as coconut oil, sesame oil or sunflower seed oil. Be sure it is a natural and organic (if possible) oil.

Apply warm oil generously and lightly to your entire body. Beginning at your scalp and working toward the middle of your body. Massage in circular motions over rounded areas, such as head or joints, and straight strokes on straight areas, such as your arms and legs. On the abdomen, follow the path of the large intestine; moving up on the right side of the abdomen, then across, then down on the left side. Finish the massage by spending at least a couple of minutes massaging your feet. Relax a few minutes and take a warm bath or shower.

When you get out of the shower pat yourself dry and feel the greater grounding and a deep sense of nourishment!


Scenes from Korčula - Sea Gate


People of Korčula - Marina Perić